Be careful in these situations because a dupe in the deck, which I've come across more than once, will throw you off. mostly at magic stores when using borrowed decks. Your demo, with the gesticulation and holding up the cards, is a really clever way to do it as well. I usually do that by encouraging the spectator to not just pick a card but to move through them slowly and take the one that speaks to them. I love both Paul Vigil's 'Diplopia' and the very much related Paul Cummins' Tap-A-Lack effect). I agree with you, the main thing is to make sure you have the justification for doing the work at the pace you feel comfortable with. Another good thing about Jamie's video is that I learned the correct pronunciation of Paul Vigil's last name. (Props should be given to Paul Cummins as well, as his "Tap-a-lac" forms the basis of the trick, although I think Paul's additions are extremely important to it playing out as something more than a card trick.)

Paul Vigil is a rising star in magic and mentalism and Diplopia will show you why. I am a big "Diplopia" fan - it's my go-to card trick for occasions when I have a few minutes - and it truly does blow people way. Diplopia is one of the strongest impromptu mentalism effects that you can do with a borrowed deck of cards. It was copywritten by Paul Vigil in 2007. Paul is generous with all the influences used in his presentation. If those of you who flipped over his Sympathy card routine would give this routine a chance I believe you will enjoy this just as much if not more.

If those of you who flipped over his 'Sympathy' card routine would give this routine a chance I believe you will enjoy this just as much if not more. Paul Vigils Diplopia is just simply amazing.

I've been a Magic Friday fan and this video feature really kicks it up a notch. Paul Vigil's Diplopia is just simply amazing.